Compassionate Awareness Therapy Training

Learn how to counsel Christian clients. 
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Online training for psychotherapists

Video lectures, supporting documentation, interactive Q & A

Real-time courses

The upgraded courses run regularly in 'real-time' to enable you to participate in live Q & A.

Basic courses in your own time

You can do the initial courses in your own time, and upgrade to  live Q&A sessions and further upgrade to individual live sessions

Regular tests

Take a test at the end of each module to confirm your learning progress


Of clients


Years of experience



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What our learners say

If a client requests counselling from a Biblical worldview, this course has helped me assess whether this modified modality will be suitable for them. I now have a clearer understanding of how to integrate an understanding of grace to facilitate psychological flexibility. I have a better understanding of how to engage with Biblical passages that are often used in the service of legalism but are intended to be understood in context and serve to demonstrate the implications of living under God's grace to us in Christ.

During the course I learned that I have become much more of a clinical counsellor who is also a Christian in recent years. I feel like I have moved past the power of inviting Jesus into a client's story. I have gone back to this space with my christian clients with wonderful results. I am integrating spiritual practices much more now.

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